#40 – Pumpkin

Bottled (18) 375ml and (8) 750ml (from 5 gallons) at 15% ABV on 18 January 2014.

It was that time of year when everyone was eagerly awaiting this year’s releases of the various pumpkin-flavored ales…  Why not actually ferment the pumpkins and make wine?  I found some nice sugar pumpkins on sale at a local grocery store and set the process in motion…  🙂  A little while before bottling, it became evident that the wine needed a little extra something.  Adding just the tiniest amount of a pumpkin spice blend did the trick!

Unfortunately, the yield on a 5 gallon batch wasn’t as much as others, as the pumpkin bits didn’t want to compress very well at the bottom of the carboy.  Next time, I’ll try using a press to squeeze out more of the delicious, as I’m almost all out of it already!

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