#47 – Pumpkin

Bottled (26) 375ml and (6) 750ml (from 5 gallons) at 14½% ABV on 4 October 2015.

Made from pie pumpkins from fall 2014.  This wine may have been in the carboy longer than any of my other wines; although I was quite busy (moving, new day job, traveling), the real reason is that pumpkin wine is notorious for being impossible to settle out — #40 Pumpkin only yielded about 3 gallons from a 5-gallon batch.  I tried quite a few things to try to separate the liquid from what-would-otherwise-be-known-as-lees, and although I did better this time, I only managed to get about 4 gallons.

This is also the first wine that I’ve run through a filter, and I think it really did a good job shining it up — I was afraid that it might extract too much of the little bit of pumpkin spice…  As it turns out, I had nothing to fear; this batch tastes even better than the first pumpkin wine (which disappeared very quickly)!  It’s also quite versatile — good at room temperature, as well as chilled and warmed up like saké.

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