#27 – Garlic II

Bottled (24) 325ml and (12) 750ml (from 5 gallons) at 16% ABV on 11 December 2012.

As my first batch of garlic wine quickly started to dwindle, plans were put into motion to do the second batch…  I wanted to do something a bit more subtle, so I essentially stretched out the first recipe from 3 gallons to 5 gallons.  The result was a drier and lighter wine — but still, at its essence, garlic.

A friend was having a going-away event at a fancy local hotel’s lobby.  As a gift, I gave him a bottle of Garlic II and (I think) a bottle of apple wine.  Certainly, the garlic wine was the one that caught his eye, and soon he asked the waitress for a corkscrew and some glasses…  The waitress and the (unseen) bartender were also very curious, and asked if they could have a sip as well.  Not much later, the bottle was empty!

While this batch gets high marks for sipping, it’s also still very good for cooking — salad dressing, stir fry, etc.

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